Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 35: The strongest Onmyoji calms down the eruption

Disaster support for each race began to be provided rapidly.

Money, personnel, food, and supplies were prepared, and the necessary amount was distributed where needed.

People headed to the villages that had been delayed in evacuating, camps were built for each race in suitable places, and preparations for food distribution were underway.

Although there was some confusion, I was also surprised by the quick and steady response that made it hard to believe that people of different races were working together.

Of course, it wasn’t like this from the beginning.

It wasn’t until Remzenel returned to the Hishi Plateau village and took command of the whole that the movement of support improved visibly.

"It seems that the materials of the camp are not enough. Tell the trading companies of the beast men and have them delivered. If the troops of the Dark elves of the Black Forest who headed to the village of demon Ogres are back, the setup personnel will be enough. Also, the food contributed by the giants has become excessive. Anything more than that will be consumed by our own race, so there's no problem...."

While communicating with other races using magic tools like clay tablets, he makes decisions and orders almost all by himself.


To be honest, it was quite surprising because I had a strong impression of him being lackluster at the first meeting.

“That’s why I said it.”

Risolera puffed out her chest as if to brag.

“Remzenel is actually a very talented child.”


“This is it, Demon King-sama.”

Guided by an old ogre, I advanced through the mountains.

The day when the signs of an eruption began to rise. I left the kings behind and visited the great volcano at the far end.

It’s because I had something on my mind.

What you can see is the rough surface of the mountain where grass and shrubs grow sparsely.

But there weren’t any steam wells I’d seen before.

No wonder. This is not the demon side, but the hillside on the desert side where the human country used to be.

“We’ll walk a little bit more. I think it’s just past the rock you see over there.”


Among the demons who lived in the village at the foot of the mountain, I went around asking people who were familiar with mountains.

One of them, this old demon ogre, said he had seen what I was looking for.

He found it more than 200 years ago, but he still remembers the place.

After descending nearby, i relied on the memory of this old ogre to head towards the destination.


“Ah, as expected... it was here. Demon King.”

The old ogre raises his head and stops me.


There was what I was looking for—a dark cave in the mountainside.

It’s a little small to be called a cave, barely big enough for a single human being to enter.

“It’s an abandoned mine shaft.”

The old ogre said.

I wondered if it was dug by the people of the fallen human nation in the legend.

“... It certainly seems so. Thank you, old man.”

Once again, I look at that abandoned mine.

From the outside, it is hard to see how far it goes. I hope it is deep enough. ......

The old demon ogre stopped me as I approached the abandoned mine.

“It is better not to go inside. There is a danger of cave-ins and poison.”

“No, it’s all right, I won’t go in there myself.”

I transforms several Hitogata into bats and send them into the tunnel.

The inside was quite complicated, and although some roads were blocked by cave-ins, fortunately it seemed to lead to a considerable depth of the mountain.

This would surely work.


And then the day came.


From the top of the dragon, I stare at the great volcano towering in the distance.

I was floating far enough away to be sure, but the clear skies made it easy to see the majesty of the volcano.

It would have been better if the rain had suppressed the spread of the volcanic smoke, but...we can’t postpone it any longer.

The frequency and magnitude of earthquakes are gradually increasing.

It wouldn’t be strange if it erupted at any moment.

Thanks to the efforts of various people, the residents at the foot of the mountain have been evacuated.

With only half a month to spare, it was almost a miracle that we made it in time.

In the worst case, even if I fail, no one will die.

That’s why I couldn’t let this opportunity slip away.

“.. As expected, I’m getting a little nervous when I’m going to do this much.”

I whispered to myself and looked behind me.

Everyone was on board.

Risolera and the six kings. Everyone was uniformly silent, and their faces were even more tense than mine.

Seeing that, I smile slightly and speak to them.

“To be honest, I’ve always had a bad feeling about being a politician. I have some bad memories.”

To them who listen quietly, I continue.

“I decided to meet with you, but only for the backward reason that it was better than talking to those representatives, not because I wanted to. I didn’t really want to.”

Even the young emperor, who was once a close friend, eventually sought power and plunged the capital into turmoil.

I also died in the aftermath of that confusion.

Knowing what happened, I can’t bring myself to blame him. But even so, I still felt a sense of regret.

These children may end up following a similar path.


“But now”

I tell them with a slightly narrowed eye.

“I’m glad I met you guys.”

Without waiting for their response, I turned to face the volcano filled with heat.

Most of the preparations had already been completed.

The mountain is surrounded by a dispelling spell.

And in the deepest part of the abandoned mine we found yesterday, there was a piece of Hitogata carved with a certain technique, and a shikigami bat watching over it.

I take a deep breath and slowly form a sign.


According to the spell carved into the Hitogata, a certain object is created in this world.

It was a small sphere about two and a half inches (*approximately 7.5 cm).

The bat’s eyes can’t see the color, but if you see it directly, it’s a dull silver color that looks like metal.

But... if you’re not prepared to throw your life away, you’ll never be able to see it with your naked eyes.

“―――― स्वाहा”

The next moment.

Just when the sphere shone brightly, the shikigami’s bat disappeared without leaving a single speck of dust.

《Gold Phase――――Tengokutsu Kouka Tengon Hōkōka no Jutsu》

Deep inside the tunnel, the curse exploded.

The thick bedrock was destroyed, and with a roar, volcanic smoke, earth and sand, and lava erupted high into the sky from the mountainside.

The explosion was enough to shake the heavens.

A shock wave that was born at the same time spread to cover the sky.

A beat later, it reached this place, which should have been far away.


“Wha, what is it!?”

The kings screamed at the shock of the wind and sound attacking at the same time.

Even the dragon was shaking with fear.

Volcanic smoke billows up, and sand and lava flow down the surface of the mountain.

I keep a close watch on the eruption’s movements without letting go of my tension.

“Well, how about it... it looks like it went well...”

I’ve even used this trick, and I’m in trouble if it doesn’t succeed.

A small piece of metal created by a spell ---- in Western terms, it was called heavenly gold uranium.

It is used for coloring glasswork, but it always emits a poisonous, invisible light that is said to cause illness if touched on a daily basis.

In such a sky gold uranium, there is a very small proportion of less than one in a hundred, and a slightly lighter sky gold uranium is mixed.

And when all this was collected and enriched, the heavenly gold uranium had the property of causing a terrifyingly large explosion when it became a lump above a certain level.

Its power is enough to wipe out a country.

The explosion not only destroys, but also transforms other substances into those emitting poisonous light. It was said that the land where the enriched uranium exploded would become a dead land where life could not live.

In fact, it is said that there was a city that was destroyed by this power long ago.

But...for now, it was the power of hope.

The earth, sand and lava flowed only in the direction of the desert where there were no settlements, as intended.

Since the first explosion, there are no signs of a large earthquake or another eruption.

“I eventually... untied the seal.”

“...it’s okay, right”

A huge amount of steam mixed with ash could be seen in the soaring volcanic smoke.

I take a deep breath and say to everyone behind me.

“Once the steam pressure is released, there will be no more eruptions.”

No one seems to have responded to my words, perhaps because they still haven’t recovered from their surprise.

But I could rest easy now.

The eruption itself cannot be suppressed.

Then let it erupt safely once.

That’s the way I came up with to control this disaster.

On one side of the mountain is a desert with no villages.

Therefore, if the earth and sand and lava can flow there, the damage will be minimized.

On the middle of the desert side, an explosion occurs deep underground, destroying the steam pool. I thought that by doing so, I could cause this safe eruption.

It was fortunate that the tunnels dug by humans in the past remained.

If it weren’t for that, I would have had to dig the hole myself and it would have taken an extra day.

“... Seika-sama can even do godly things like causing an eruption an eruption.”

Yuki’s head sticks out between her hair and says quietly.

"I didn’t expect it to be so easy."

“... I can’t say it was easy.”

I give a small answer.

“If we hadn’t found the human mineshaft, we might not have made it in time for the eruption. We didn’t know if we could destroy the steam pool with precision. We didn’t know if the lava would flow as intended, or if other unforeseen events wouldn’t happen.…it was almost like a gamble.”

That’s why it was necessary to evacuate the residents living at the foot of the mountain.

It’s impossible to say with certainty that lava will not erupt toward the village due to the impact of the spell. I didn’t feel like getting them involved in such a gambling.

“I’m glad it went well once.”

“Oh, that’s right...”

Yuki let out a faint voice, but even I don’t have infinite magical powers. There was no guarantee of success after the second time, so I was quite relieved.

A large amount of manta that was flying around the volcano was filled with magic power, and the curse was dispelled over a wide area.

This is because it is necessary to restore the substance that has turned into poison. This is the most difficult point of 《Tenkinkou Kouka Tengon Houkoka》, but if you try to achieve the same power with gunpowder, you will need a ridiculous amount. The place I wanted to explode was inside a narrow abandoned mine, so I had no choice but to do it this way.

Most of the dispelled safe volcanic smoke seemed to be flowing toward the desert due to the influence of the air current.

A little bit of ash will fall on the demon territory, but I wonder if it will be a little difficult to clean up.

“... amazing”

King Sigil suddenly muttered.

“Just now...Did the Demon King do it?”

“I can’t believe it...”

“I never thought that magic could do such a thing...”

King Gauss and King Vill are also muttering with astonished expressions.

“Fili... a little scary.”

“With this power... you might even be able to destroy humans...”

King Fili Nair and King Plushe muttered with a tense look on their faces.

“That’s right.”

At that time, King Athos spoke with a firm tone.

“That's why we shouldn't keep it any longer."


*Tenkinkou Koka no Jutsu

A technique that creates an enriched uranium lump and generates a nuclear explosion. Natural uranium contains 0.7% of uranium-235, which is a fissile material. When 30 kilograms of highly enriched uranium lumps are produced by raising this to 95%, the spontaneous nuclear fission of uranium-238, which contains 5%, causes a spontaneous nuclear fission chain reaction. The tremendous energy released along with this causes a large explosion equivalent to 16 kilotons in terms of TNT. Due to the above-ground nuclear explosion, it will cause serious radioactive contamination in the surrounding area, so it is necessary to restore the radioactive substance by dispelling it later. Uranium is an element that was actually discovered in modern times, but it has been used as a coloring agent for glass since ancient times, and was isolated by an ancient Roman alchemist in the world of work. The name uranium in the work was named after Uranus, the god of the sky in Greek mythology, because when the ore is held up to a clear morning sky, it glows green in response to ultraviolet rays.

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4 thoughts on “v8c35”

  1. Xavier DELPIERRE

    the MC is from a post apocalyptic world… 150 years ago the mount exploded violently (referenced) and probably ended humanity. It also explains how he could know science with a rather rural world. I love how it’s not explained but just here as it’s natural for him.

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